CN 30Under30: People love Jemma
Events are about people. So to really excel, you need to like them (and ideally, they should like you back). It wasn’t a surprise for us when Jemma Smith was named in the Conference News 30 Under 30 list this year.
She loves people. And they love her. She also loves detail, and together, these qualities have made her indispensable. CN’s 30 under 30 recognise exceptional talent and achievements and reward passion and creativity.

Jemma’s reputation for leaving no stone unturned has earned her the trust and respect of clients and colleagues.
As an Exec, in her first months on the job, she was making sustainable branding suggestions on huge projects, that had senior colleagues nodding in approval.
These are the kind of people you need in your team. Her eye for detail has been the difference between good and amazing on a couple of occasions.
“She is a rising star in the industry and has already achieved so much,” says manager Emily Tolley. “I’m so excited to see where this takes her in the future.”